Speculative Dinosaur Project - Blogging

!ABOUT ME! Name:Timothy-Donald-Morris Location:Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I'm a young adult studying to become a visual practitioner. -The Speculative Dinosaur Project- "Spec" is a website-collaborative of conceptual zoology writing. It's on the subject of modern day fauna, and what it would be like if Dinosaurs never went extinct. This project is collaborative , involving numerous people on forums posting ideas, pictures and essays. I hope you enjoy yourself. Tim

Location: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

I'm a young adult studying to become a visual practitioner. This and my other two blogs are for excercises in speculative zoology. I hope you enjoy yourself. Tim

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Atlanitc south american coasts and their inhabitants.

The waters off the atlantic coasts of sothern south america can be inhospitable. Only the toughest beasts survive in such dangerous water.

Flightless kelp swans (Aetocygnus giganteus) as large as emus, ply the chilly waters in search of the most delicious sea plants, honking and shaking their ash-grey feathers.

Anatolutrids are found here to an extent, the 3 meter Shaggro (Hispidolutra ornatus), with a long, broad tail, and sharp, horny pads on the inner edges of the mandibles, tear at Cnidarians and Tunicates, as well as the very large soft corals. It only has large forelimbs, the back have shrunk to the size of seagull's wings, hidden beneath the fur, bearing large poison spurs.

Manky-logs (Atlanosiren niger) at 2 meters, are another local anatolutrid. With large clawed forelimbs, tiny hindlimbs, and powerfull tails, they ply the tumultuous waters in search of favoured prey, like flatfish and benthick molluscs. Their powerfull jaws and teeth make short work of even the toughest prey.

A relative of the vulgures also braves the water. The Waldo (Vulguropsis tardox) is moderately large at 4 meters long, shaggy, and wades the waters with long, powerfull legs. It crunches molluscs, grabbing the rocks with it's enormously powerfull arms.

The bloop (Thasellovicugna agilis) feeds selectively on succulent algal growths, swimming at great speeds to escape their predators, like sharks. They have webbed feet and broad tails, swimming like crocodiles. They, like other atavotheres incubate eggs inside their bodies. Their faces, unlike gloops, are narrow and doglike, for grabbing choice algal growth.

In the calmer waters beneath the waves, the Tweaker (Anatops anatops) at 70 cm long, forages for small, succulent vertebrates and worms. It is a small relative of the creaker, looking remarkably similar save for the grey pelt, it uses suction to snatch small prey items. It has a remarkabe feature for it's group, it's tusks are large and strong, and used primarily for upturning stones in search of hiding prey.

Gaunt snakeneck-loons (Ophiavis magnifecens) the local hespie cormorant, is as large as some of the nearby penguins attaining a height of one meter, they can swallow remarkably large fish. They power through the water with their strong feet and wings, snatching fish and squid alike.



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